Saturday, March 15, 2014

Electric Power System

Electric Power System
  + It is shocking to imagine that the world has no electricity nowadays because it influence the daily life so much such lighting, travelling, supplying factory and so on as a basic. In addition, I am a person who enthusiast and wonder how to produce an electricity since I was young, after I tool a course in high school about electromagnetic especially in part of producing electricity by rotation  flux magnetic. As a result, I have little concept of electricity that way it urges me to explore my life in Electric Power System.

Power Electronics
 + In order to decide which major I desire in the future, I clearly think that I have to possess a talent and have met its equipments whether I am enthusiastic or not. In fact, I first have experienced using voltmeter which inverts direct current (DC) into alternative current (AC) and I am really interesting, but I do know what it is. Fortunately, in high school, I have understood much concept of it. Not only convert for DC to AC but it also changes from AC to DC. In addition, it contributes to reduce waste energy and improve economic of each country. Consequently, I want to become an expert of this field.    

 Electric / Electronic Device
  + The motive that I select this field is to make the world especially Cambodia full of electronic devices. I am also the person who loves to use it for my study. It is really essential for everyone especially the students. For example the computers, the telephones, the electrical dictionaries, and all electrical equipments, all of these things, I always got benefit from these many and many. If I can study in this field so I am please with myself to produce many electric and electronic devices for people in reasonable price and truthful quality.     

12What kind of field are you planning to study in Japan?
    My desired field that I hope to study in Japan is Electric Power System because Japan is one of the countries which advance at providing high quality and safety of electricity. Japan became the third largest nuclear power user in the world over 55 nuclear reactors. I strongly believe that I can receive high technology at producing electricity, observe the excellent process at the manufacturer to improve electricity field in my county, Cambodia. Furthermore, I want to modernize the process supplying electricity in order to save energy, keep safe to the environment especially investigate new method instead of using fossil fuel. 

13. What kind of impression do you have of Japan?
I am really fascinated by Japanese people because they are hard-working, friendly, optimistic and punctual on their works. Although Japan is an island country surrounded by ocean and suffers seriously with natural disaster such as earthquake, it still develops it economic strongly to become the third rank in the world. This is due to the characteristic Japanese people. In addition, they have strong commitment to preserve their culture like traditional clothes (kimono), traditional house marked from wood and thin paper. Final but not least, I am exciting of a unique tone of Japanese, a national holiday, Children’s day.

14Description of desired employment to be taken up after returning home.

 After graduating from Japan I must come back to my beloved country, Cambodia. I first plan to work as a technician in public institution, Electricity of Cambodia, so I can devote myself to develop electricity in my country to become a high standard through what I gain knowledge in Japan. The biggest desired plan which I want to achieve in my life is to modernize my hometown to have enough electricity for supplying their life to be better after I have an adequate experience and network.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Statement of Purpose

My name is EANG Panha, I am a Sophomore, majoring in Power Engineering at the Institute of 
Technology of Cambodia (ITC). 
I wished to attend ITC since I was a high school student. I have always been interested in 
attending ITC as they have such an excellent reputation in Cambodia, and they of course conduct 
a brilliant Power Engineering course, which was always my desired major. Additionally, ITC has 
many connections to the top electrical companies in Cambodia and comprehensive engineering 
schools abroad. I believe that I will gain better knowledge in my chosen field from ITC than I 
could from any other institution. 
Being a Power Engineer has always been one of my goals. I have always been interested in the 
generators used in my neighborhood that are run by diesel, and I often wondered about the way 
such generators work when I was as young as 6 years old. Fortunately, after taking a course in 
Electro-Magnetics, I came to understand more about my interest. Not only has my education thus 
far provided me with a strong foundation of knowledge in math, physics and the sciences, but I 
am also simply enthusiastic about electricity, for instance producing and transmitting electricity. 
After graduating in France, I plan to apply for a job as a Qualified Technician Expert in Power 
and Engineering at EDC (Électricité du Cambodge) as well as lecturer part-time at the Institute 
of Technology of Cambodia. If I were to fulfill this goal to work at EDC, I would have the 
opportunity to devote myself to contributing to developments in electricity in Cambodia. This is 
something I am passionate about as I wish for the field of electricity in Cambodia to reach a 
standard of high quality, comparable to developed countries such as France. Moreover, in such 
employment I will have the opportunity to deepen my understanding of theorems and 
applications. Being a lecturer, I will be able to share this knowledge and all of my experiences 
from France to many Cambodian students; hopefully my enthusiasm and energy to share will 
inspire them as I have been inspired in this field. 
Gaining my PHD will push me to a greater comprehension of my chosen field, Power 
Engineering, and I hope that with this new drive I will be able to contribute to the creation of 
new energy resources in Cambodia. Today even hybrid cars cannot provide the answers to the 
energy crisis, as they are functioned by batteries and gasoline. This great need for an answer to 
the world’s depleting resources is what led to my plan for my PHD; to invent a hybrid panel. 
This hybrid panel will utilise both the sun’s rays and precipitation in order to produce electricity. 
I believe that this will solve the problem of solar panels being inefficient during times of low 
sunlight, as the hybrid panel will also be able to utilise rainwater and it will alternate between the 
two in order to create a continuous power source.

The pursuit of my continued academic career in France is my priority, and I am excited about 
learning more about France’s electricity systems. To be able to further my education in France 
would be a huge opportunity due to the advanced electrical systems that are in place there. In 
addition, there is a high quality of learning in France, and of course state of the art laboratories 
and factories which will provide excellent educational and perhaps internship experiences 
possible. My particular interest in 21st century solutions for energy needs is truly suited to 
France as France is a leading country in such exploration of energy solutions, for example the 
approach to clean nuclear power upon which France depends mostly of their electricity supply. 
Although there are many excellent institutions in France, I have chosen to apply to the Ecole 
Polytechnique because of its famed engineering institution, lifestyle and renowned academic 
program. Many lecturers and seniors always raise the quality of the Training Engineers of Ecole 
Polytechinque as one of its greatest assets. As a result, this institution greatly appeals to me, not 
only in terms of the educational opportunities that would be provided to me, but also because of 
the great lifestyle at the Ecole Polytechnique, particularly in terms of sport as I am a keen 
swimmer. I will be energetic in my studies and I would be sure to make the most of all that the 
school has to offer in order to gain a well-rounded and rewarding experience, at the same time as 
doing my best to give back to Ecole Polytechnique and their community. I am greatly excited 
about the wide variety of module choices that would be available to me, and feel that being given 
a choice in my learning will only add to my passion for the subject. 
The most attractive curriculum at Ecole Polytechnique to me is of course, Energy in the 21st 
Century. This subject which is thoroughly related to my major will also push me to become even 
more aware of the issues surrounding energy. In addition I hope to invent a new and eco-friendly 
method of energy supply while attending this course through my creative renewable-energy 
In conclusion, I strongly believe that if I am given an opportunity to pursue my studies at the 
Ecole Polytechnique, I will be able to achieve my goal of becoming a Qualified Power Engineer, 
and through the application of my learned skills I will be able to be an asset to both France and 
Cambodia. Additionally, I will achieve a long-term personal and professional goal graduating 
from such an esteemed institution, and I will have gained knowledge that would otherwise not be 
available to me, broadening my horizons and giving me the tools I need to improve life for those 
around me with renewable energy solutions.

My study plan in China for bachelor degree

In order to reach a peak of success in life, it is required all human possessing a clear plan for any activities not only business or commerce but all also study plan especially a student who continue to study abroad like in China. How to produce study plan is absolutely different from each other depend on degree of knowledge and strategy of    each person. Now, I will demonstrate my study plan to study in China in Bachelor degree.
First of all, China is the destinations in which I desire to study for my bachelor degree due to there are many interesting parts urging me. In fact, China is one of the best lead countries at education in the world, especially engineering like electrical engineer which is suitable for me. Furthermore, Cambodia and China have had a good relationship together since a long time ago and china’s security is truthful enough. As a result being a Cambodian student, I strongly believe that I am really safe during 5 year. In addition, a Chinese culture is fascinating such as Chinese New Year, mid- autumn festival, cuisine (Chinese tea) and so on.
Secondly, that choosing a major is a vital part of my future and study plan has an influence on my life. Therefore, I must have satisfied reasons.  I have really been enthusiastic with electricity and all electrical components since I was five year old. Moreover, I was born in a country side where not sufficiently provided electricity did for the entire residents because of a lack of high technology although there are adequate resources. As what I have regarded my hometown and a hold country which have not developed an electrical field into a standard quality yet. Consequently, all of these above have encouraged me to become an electrical engineer.
After that, after realizing what I become, I next look for a university or institute which is appropriate to my major, electrical engineering. According to my research, I found that Harbin Institute of Technology is my first choice, Nanjing University of Science and Technology is my second choice and Shanghai Jiao Tong University is my third choice. Why I selected these schools is that the weather and accommodations are acceptable.
The next step, after receiving the school I desire, I have to mainly focus on my new language, Chinese and detail culture of china in the first year. I devote my time and myself trying my best to learn Chinese as much as possible in order to pass the test which you legally demand me for entering into freshman. That I can use Chinese fluently provide me a high opportunity to obtain a high technology from China. So my study is going to go without any obstacles or a little.
Following that, staring from that time, I have to concentrate on my major, electrical engineer to progress it rapidly. I only understand that accomplishing on electrical engineering field is only is I have a strong foundation of mathematics, physics and a little bit of chemistry. As I result I have to pay attention highly to these subjects in my freshman. For the following years, it is hard to realize which lessons is the most useful, so I should regularly connect with my professor and old generation for their advices. The most efficient way is to surf the information on the internet and library. Apart from academic study, the most efficient way to donate growing in my major is connection with other people for sharing experience, advice, documents and so on.
The finally mission, after graduating from China, a bachelor of electrical engineering, I must return back to my beloved country Cambodia. On behalf of a citizen of Cambodia, I have to devote myself to contribute to advance an electric field in to high standard in my country after educated a best technology from china. In addition, I desire to work in public institution like EDC.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that my lives will be bright if I follow my reasonable study plan by studying in university which is suitable for me ,graduating a bachelor degree of electrical engineering which is my major I have dreamed since I was a child from the country I like, China. 

Does every child need a father?

Family could be an important part of every people’s life and sometimes in order to thrive the family, we might require to compose any needs and necessary components. As a result a question “Does every child need a father?” seems to be a main topic in some society and also everyday life.
          To form a cheerfulness family we should or have to have a father, mother and children or sometime couple preferred not to have children. Consequently, father is important for the children before father plays and has such an important role in their lives. Ten to twelve are the important age for the child to absorb the outside society or ideologies. While they are trying to figure out how complicate the world is, father is the steering wheel or the sail for them to navigate the right path for their upcoming teenager hood. Dad helps them figure out what is right and what is wrong in their lives and he is also plays as a bread-winner for the family structure. He helps to provide the family for financial, physical safety or emotional support.            
          Furthermore, father has very much influence on children emotional. As an example, he helps encourage children when they are having trouble or feeling down. We can see that the child that doesn’t have a father seems to withdraw themselves from the other kids, for they would have thought that they are the unlucky kid that do not have father. They might feel hopeless, lost or even pessimistic.
          In conclusion, I strongly support the idea even if not all children but most of them need to have a father. Father plays an important function in the family structure and he helps the child to thrive and hold their hand for some reason in order to help them choosing the right way

Children self esteem and self image

We might have been through the problem that we blame on the children nowadays like “what make you so stubborn? Or why do feel so shy even among your classmate?” While we keep blaming on that children of how there are too proud of themselves or even how they reflect themselves in a negative way we should look at some factors that cause children to have such those problems.

            Family could be one factor for children to gain their own self-esteem or self-image. Since family especially parents spend much time with their children so they sometimes have spoiled their child. For example, most the single child get whatever they want so they would think that they are the luckiest child on earth.  

Border Fence is bad policy

The department of Homeland Security has declared in 2004 that United States Government had built which they called the Border fence between The United States of America and Mexico. The project would have been finished by the end of 2008 and under the construction in the state of Arizona and California. This border fence has opposed many of the political and human right movement. There are six factors that lead the border fence to become a bad policy in the law of immigration especially to Mexican. The fence cost millions of dollar to build and it help nothing for preventing the illegal immigration from Mexican, furthermore it’s just prolong the overstayed period visitor in the United States that lead to the increase of in state illegal settler. It is also damaging the environment of the surrounding area.     

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Running head: Greedy

As I have watched the video clip called “Greed” I believe that 

what I have thought before of greed is different. Greed means you want more 

than you deserved. For example, some leaders in some countries have built such 

a huge mansion even though they have no one to live in. in other monarchy

county such as England, they have a king and queen that have ruled the country

for centuries so some people concluded that they were greedy to take 

advantages on other people. However, what about the business like Bill Gates, 

the owner of the Microsoft Company that has made million dollars every year or 

even the AFL CEO, I have thought that they were greedy too. As a result, after 

the clip that I concluded that while doing business, greedy could lead to

motivation. For instance, Microsoft has made millions of dollar by selling us the

computer software and other high tech productions which help our life much

easier. They haven’t forced us to buy it instead they use marketing strategies to

convince us about their products. Business and society has to go together,

business help the society function properly and life runs smoothly while society

provides the material or money to help business in control. In conclusion, I 

strongly agree with the idea in the video that business might not consider as 

greed because they help improved our lived and the world.